Lipid Profile Test Price. What does a Lipid Profile Test comprise? A typical Lipid Profile test is a suite or collection of blood tests – done usually following twelve to fourteen hours of overnight fasting – that aim to provide a preliminary evaluation of the following elements in one’s blood stream Cholesterol Cholesterol is a soft waxy fat that is essential to the proper functioning of the body.
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Lipid Profile Test: Normal Values, Who Should Get it Done
The Packed Cell Volume test is also called the haematocrit test It is used to diagnose anaemia polycythaemia or dehydration in patients Generally the test is a part of a full blood count and is commonly carried out to monitor response to treatment estimate need for blood transfusions etc Blood is a mixture of plasma and cells The packed cell volume (PCV) test measures how.
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Name of TestLipid/Cholesterol Panel $5999 Description The Lipid panel test is a serum or plasma test that evaluates hyperlipidemia as an index to coronary artery disease Investigation of serum lipids is indicated in those with coronary and other arterial disease especially when it is premature and in those with family history of.
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