Braverman Test. The Braverman Test is a personality test designed by a leading neurotransmitter scientist named Eric Braverman This test classifies your brain chemistry through a series of behavioral questions Unlike most other personality assessments the Braverman test generates recommendations based upon an approximation of your brain chemistry.
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The Braverman test (also known as the Braverman assessment) is a subjective analysis of your brain neurotransmitters to see a snapshot of your dominant and deficient chemicals Many people complete the Braverman test while reading the book though the PDF is available through many sources.
Know Your Neurotransmitters: Braverman Test Results
Doctor Braverman has posted a very simple test to determine which type of neurotransmitter is most dominant and which is deficient You can find it on the Bravermantest website The results are very interesting and he suggests ways to harmonize his cerebral chemistry with diet exercises supplements and daily practices Email onehumanosteo@gmailcom.
This test and the following recommendations are taken directly from Dr Eric R Braverman’s book “The Edge Effect Achieve Total Health and Longevity with the Balanced Brain Advantage” New York Sterling Publications 2005.
Braverman Personality Type Assessment Part 1: Determining
The Braverman test is supposed to be able to tell you two things 1 – What neurotransmitters are dominant in your brain 2 – What neurotransmitters are deficient in your brain I first heard about this on a podcast It was a passing reference and when I heard about it I was immediately interested.
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Optimize Your Brain Unusual Recommendations to Braverman Test: 8
The test makes clear to what extent the substances dopamine acetylcholine GABA and serotonin are present in your body Dopamine and acetylcholine can be compared to the accelerator pedal in your car Dopamine provides a good voltage (voltage arc) in your brain and nerves The more you have it the calmer and more confident you feel.