Base Unik Th 8. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us.

Awesome base recipe that made it easy to spice up to my funky taste needs! Which for this particular recipe simply meant adding a bit of yellow curry to taste ) nothing storebought can “beet” this homemade hommus! Something about the tanginess seems just right compared to the store brands which tend to have excess citric acid for preservation purposes.
Deceptionøya – Wikipedia
Deceptionøya (engelsk Deception Island) er en aktiv vulkanøy i øygruppen SørShetlandsøyeneDeceptionøya har en av de sikreste havnene i Antarktis og var en viktig base for hvalfangst fra 1906 til 1931 Vulkanutbrudd i 1967 og 1969 forårsaket store skader på øyas forskningsstasjoner og det er nå bare Argentina og Spania som har baser der. (@timeanddatecom) Instagram photos and
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Controversy over the law lowered this number to just 191558 stopandfrisks in 2013 and the number fell to 22939 in 2015 Following the law being found unconstitutional the number of people found to be guilty when stopped and frisked also rose to 20% in 2015.